Improve Bicep Flexibility With 1 Simple Bicep Stretch

The Anatomy Of The Bicep

The flexors of the elbow consist of three muscles that are involved in the bicep stretch, and include:

  • Biceps brachii
  • Brachialis
  • Coracobrachialis

The muscle that most people know about is the biceps brachii, or more commonly just called the biceps. It is made up of two heads, which mean there are two attachment points on the processes of the scapula (shoulder blade). They unite and then attaches primarily to the radius.

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    Bicep | Bicep Stretch

Benefits To The Bicep Stretch

This bicep stretch will help improve and maintain the function of the muscle. As mentioned before, the biceps brachii has attachments in the shoulder complex, and, therefore, can also help with your shoulder and chest function.

By taking the time to perform this stretch it will help in the prevention of not only bicep injury, but also reduce your chances of hurting your shoulders and/or chest.

Bicep Stretch Exercise


  • Place your hand on a table with your palm facing up and shoulder your back.
  • With bent knees, square step forward with the opposite leg until you feel a stretch in your biceps.
  • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds.

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