Are your tight glutes causing you pain?
When you wake up in the morning do you find that your ability to move is at an all-time low?
Are you unable to reach down to pick things up, or does touching your toes seem like it should be a scene from mission impossible?
Well, don’t just blame it on old age because it might be due to tight muscles.
Muscles that are tight especially for a long period of time can start to take a toll on the body and cause problems due to an alteration in movement patterns.
Many people who feel this typically think they are injured, when in fact, they had some tight muscles that are causing them discomfort.
There are many variations of stretches out there for the glutes.
It’s recommended that you should take the time to try them all out (or as many as possible), to see which ones work best for you.
Keeping in mind that the body is connected and one area of your body might feel tight because of a different muscle.
There are several common stretches to help reduce stiffness from tight glutes, that include:
Proper Form
Long Sitting

Sit with your back straight and cross one leg over the other.
Hold your knee with the opposite arm and pull your knee across your chest towards the opposite
shoulder until you feel a stretch on the outside leg and/or buttock. -
Maintain the position for the recommended time. (20-30 seconds)
Sitting – Figure 4

Sit on a chair
Place one foot over the opposite knee in a figure 4 position.
Push on your knee to open the leg and straighten your back while you move your upper body forward
until you feel a comfortable stretch in your buttock. -
Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds
Supine – Figure 4

Lie on your back with your knees bent, place one foot (affected side) over the opposite knee.
Grab behind the leg that is on the ground with your hands and pull it toward you until you feel a
gentle stretch. -
Maintain the position and relax.
Hold for 20-30 seconds
- Push on your knee to increase the stretch.
- Hook a towel or rope around your leg if you have trouble reaching the back of your leg.
Supine Glute Stretch

Lie on your back and lift the affected leg to your chest and grab your knee with the opposite hand.
Gently pull your leg across your chest to the opposite shoulder while rotating your leg inward until a stretch is felt deep in the buttocks.
Maintain the position and relax.
Hold for 20-30 seconds
IT Band Stretch

Stand and cross one leg in front of the other.
Bend forward as far as possible without bending your knees.
Slightly turn your body towards the side of the front leg until you feel a stretch on the exterior side of the back leg.
Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and slowly return to the initial position.
When muscles get too tight, it can cause problems that can lead to injuries.
Low back pain is one the most common issues people struggle with. It can leave people bedridden and drastically reduce their quality of life.
So, be sure to work on your flexibility and mobility regularly as it is very important in order to keep your body mechanics normal.
By regularly setting time apart to stretch your glutes you can benefit from:
Reduced chance of injury
Less likely to feel chronic pain from tight muscles
Improved physical abilities and strength
And you can touch your toes!
Injury Prevention
As mentioned in stretching 101, it’s important to keep these things in mind when stretching:
Don’t push yourself into pain – you’re looking for a stretching feeling, but not pain
Stretch in a controlled manner – No bobbing to achieve a further stretch
Final Thoughts
Muscles can get very tight and cause discomfort.
If you feel that you have tight muscles be sure to address it as soon as possible, as it can lead to
dysfunctions in the body.
It’s important to create a regular stretching routine in order to achieve and maintain flexibility.
Always remember to consult with a physiotherapist if you are injured or need help with
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